Marci Henna’s Ruby and the Stargazers is just what this doctor orders for summertime relaxation. Marci has agreed to meet us by phone to discuss her book on Tuesday, July 6, 2010 at 7 PM CDT. The teleconference number is (512) 501-4531 and enter the code 121014#. Marci is a thoughtful writer and a very busy mother, wife, grandmother and community supporter. Learn her secrets for creativity, productivity and differentiation on this call.
Now let’s get down to the first discussion questions about Ruby and the Stargazers. Remember, we have weekly discussion on Tuesday evenings (7PM CDT) by phone the first and third Tuesdays of the month and on Tuesday mornings on the second and fourth Tuesdays of the month (7AM CDT). We will have four discussion calls July 6 and 20 at 7 PM CDT and July 13 and 27 at 7 AM CDT on this book and no live meeting this month.
Here are the questions for our first call:
- Do you have your own Fireside, Texas to return to? What is similar between Marci’s Fireside and yours?
- With whom do you identify most closely in this book and why?
- How has the Douglas Jerrold quote proven to be true or false in your life?
Remember, if you cannot make the call, you can always discuss the questions in the comments below. Also, if you have specific questions for Marci, she will be joining our calls on July 6 and July 20, 2010 at 7 PM CDT.
Don’t forget August’s book is Parent Effectiveness Training.
We will be practicing Dr. Gordon’s suggestions on all of the calls and at the live meeting in Austin on August 17, 2010. These communication skills can transform any relationship and are not just for parents. Do not miss this opportunity to develop a new communication habit.
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