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Build A Book Club is underwritten by MindTamers.com a family-owned Austin-based business that serves the local community by hosting live monthly book discussions and the international community by holding virtual book discussions. The website and all live and teleconference meetings are open to the public and there is no promise or implied confidentiality regarding what is discussed on-line, by phone or in person. The purpose is to help people entertain new ideas through daily and weekly mental exercise. Most importantly, it has to be fun! All ages are invited to participate as long as they are able to read the material and contribute to the discussions.

5 Responses to “About”

  1. As you presented it, seems to be an excellent match for relevant info here. I am confident that my bookmark to this site will be well worth it. Thanks so much.

  2. live cams says:

    quite interesting, but I am reserved to comment more..

  3. Great post full of useful tips! My site is fairly new and I am also having a hard time getting my readers to leave comments. Analytics shows they are coming to the site but I have a feeling “nobody wants to be first”.

  4. Russ Longo says:

    Geez, so that’s how its done. Great write up by the way.

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