First Tuesday Book Club
“You really ought to read this book!” Your friend encourages. You stop at the library, pick it up and start reading. She was right, the contents can really help you, and you still don’t finish reading by the time it is due.
Some books are easier to digest when other like-minded folks are reading along with you and there is a chance for interesting discussion about the application of the principles presented. Come join us at Laura’s Library for dynamic discussion of books that increase your awareness of your personal potential. The focus is on local experts and classic works. Whenever possible, you get direct exposure to the author.
You will:
- Meet teen and adult Austinites who love to read and understand the power of group discussion.
- Read works that put you in the driver’s seat and fuel the drive of your life.
- Learn how to lead book groups that engage and encourage individual participation.
- Access the group by telephone and internet even if you can’t make the monthly live discussion.
SCHEDULE FOR LIVE MEETINGS (See also the schedule of the Tuesday at Seven Teleconference Discussions which compliment our live meetings.):
May 4, 2010
Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill
Discuss this classic work that described the power of using master mind groups for synergistic personal and business growth.
Napoleon Hill’s classic Think and Grow Rich has sold more than 60 million copies worldwide. It is said that this book has made more millionaires and inspired more successes than any other book in history.
For thirty years Napoleon Hill collaborated with the most successful entrepreneurs, inventors, industrialists, and political leaders, learning firsthand why they succeeded while others failed. Over five hundred of the most famous self-made multimillionaires personally revealed to Hill the secrets they had used to pull themselves out of poverty and create their own success.
More than a self-improvement book, Think and Grow Rich: The 21st-Century Updated Edition offers you a complete philosophy of personal achievement. It will teach you methods for creating a success-consciousness within your- self, and it will provide you with a detailed blueprint for achieving that success.
June 1, 2010
The Secret Formulas of the Wizard of Ads by Roy H. Williams from Austin
Discuss the New York Times and Wall Street Journal Best Seller, The Secret Formulas of the Wizard of Ads by local communications mogul Roy H. Williams. In 100 chapters full of wit, wisdom and uncommon good sense, The Wizard’s secret formulas will show you:
- How to find a champion to sell your ideas
- Why targeting your market can be a big mistake
- How to get customers to remember you
- Why bankers think backwards
- How to write miraculous ads
- Why the brain contains 100,000 new worlds
- Why being ‘out of style’ can be profitable
- How to hire wisely and fire compassionately
- How success can send you to the poor house
- How to remember what’s really important in life
July Summer Break, No live meeting. See the Tuesday at Seven Schedule for Ruby and the Stargazers Teleconference Discussion
August 17, 2010
Parent Effectiveness Training by Dr. Thomas Gordon
Discuss the seminal work on effective personal communication, Dr. Thomas Gordon’s Parent Effectiveness Training. Dr. Gordon coined the terms I-message and You-message as he taught thousands of parents to communicate with their children in a way that encourages open sharing and fosters healthy self esteem.
Parent Effectiveness Training (P.E.T.) began in 1962 as the first national parent-training program to teach parents how to communicate more effectively with kids and offer step-by-step advice for resolving family conflicts so everybody wins. This beloved classic is the most studied, highly praised, and proven parenting program in the world.
September 21, 2010
Tame Your Mind, Save Your Life by Dr. Lori Barr from Austin
Declare your own health freedom with Tame Your Mind, Save Your Life, by local vitality expert, Dr. Lori Barr.
If you want to sail through your family’s next health challenge, practice the 14 tested preparedness drills inside Tame Your Mind, Save Your Life. Transform from disease target to health enthusiast using a programmed text format doctors use to master new skills in training.
You will learn how to:
- Replace illness or trauma-related negative thoughts feelings and actions.
- Reject health models that do not help you feel well.
- Release habits that undermine your vitality.
- Reset your Ease-o-stat.
- Rely on your newly strengthened mental and physical muscles
Most self-help books teach you to change your life-style after you are diagnosed. That leaves no time to regain the health you’ve lost. Tame Your Mind, Save Your Life prepares all four aspects of your being before disease strikes.
October 19, 2010
The 4-Hour Workweek by Timothy Ferriss
Discuss altering your lifestyle design with Timothy Ferriss’ The 4-Hour Workweek. Whether you’re an overworked employee or an entrepreneur trapped in your own business, The 4-Hour Workweek is the compass for a new and revolutionary world. Forget the old concept of retirement and the rest of the deferred-life plan—there is no need to wait and every reason not to.
- How to outsource your life and do whatever you want for a year, only to return to a bank account 50% larger than before you left
- How to eliminate 50% of your work in 48 hours using the principles of little-known European economists
- How to train your boss to value performance over presence, or kill your job (or company) if it’s beyond repair
- How to trade a long-haul career for short work bursts and frequent “mini-retirements”
- How to cultivate selective ignorance—and create time—with a low-information diet
- Management secrets of Remote Control CEOs
- The crucial difference between absolute and relative income
- How to fill the void and creating meaning after removing work and the office
November 16, 2010
The Clutter Diet, The Skinny on Organizing Your Home and Taking Control of Your Life by Lorie Marrero from Austin
Discuss the personal rewards of giving with local personal organization expert Lorie Marrero’s The Clutter Diet, The Skinny on Organizing Your Home and Taking Control of Your Life. Applying just an ounce of the advice in this practical guide saves you enough time and money to pay for itself.
You will learn:
- The actual scientific law of nature that helps you get organized
- The cure for procrastination
- Ten types of “High Calorie Clutter” to avoid
- Where to start and how to tackle your projects
- How to successfully add new habits into your life
December 21, 2010
Life’s Golden Ticket by Brendon Burchard
Discuss the book that answers the three questions everyone asks at the close of life, Brendon Burchard’s Life’s Golden Ticket. In this moving parable of personal growth and change, Burchard has created a rich, emotional journey of transformation that, by its end, readers feel like they can truly start their lives anew, as if they’ve received a “golden ticket”–– a second chance at life.
Life’s Golden Ticket tells the story of a man who is so trapped in the prisons of his past that he cannot see the possibilities, the choices, and the gifts he has right in front of him. At the behest of his fiancée, who is clinging to life in a hospital bed, he takes the envelope she hands him and makes his way to an old, abandoned amusement park to appease her delirious pleadings. When he steps through the rusted entrance gates, the abandoned park magically comes to life.
Location: Laura’s Library Commons, 9411 FM 2244, Austin, TX 78733-6102 (SE corner of intersection of Bee Cave Road and Cuernavaca.)
Time: 6:30 PM to 8:00 PM
Dates: First Tuesday of Jan-June 2010.
No live meeting in July.
Third Tuesday of August -December 2010.
Tags: Austin, book club, Laura's Library, Lori Barr, Texas